Hidden Dangers of Improper Medicine Cooling
Little-Known Risks That Directly Impact Your Health
On this website, we want to talk with you about some facts only a few people know about. But you need to know them, because they have a direct effect on your illness, on yours and your family’s wellbeing.
It is about the dangerous effects the wrong cooling of your medicines can have on your health.
Multiple Sclerosis
Challenges patients with Multiple Sclerosis have to face

Being faced with the new diagnosis Multiple Sclerosis, really hits you and your loved ones emotionally. Many questions start to arise, all possible fears and insecurities might come up.
We want to help you with some practical advice and support, so that you don’t feel lost on your journey. Because all overwhelm can be tackled step by step. Our intent is preventing you from unnecessary suffering and slowing down the progression of your symptoms.
On this website we want to talk with you about some essential facts, unfortunately, only few people know about. But you need to know them, because they have a direct effect on your illness, on your and your family’s wellbeing. It is about the dangerous effects the wrong cooling of your medicines can have on your health. A mishap, that, unfortunately, can happen surprisingly easily.
Overcoming the physical and mental challenges that Multiple Sclerosis requires you to have a proactive healthcare approach. It is you, who has to collect valuable information about how to handle your life in all aspects. This is not easy, and you will find yourself searching for days on end trying to find the right solutions for all the different challenges you will find yourself having to face, having Multiple Sclerosis. But what many don’t know: Some of those challenges and even a faster progression of your MS can easily be prevented, as they are caused by one mishap: The wrong cooling of your medicines when transporting your MS medicine home from the pharmacy or during travel.
We want to help you to keep your active lifestyle by staying mobile, even when your body’s condition gets more difficult, and immobility becomes a hinderance. We want to help you to continue being able to see your relatives, even in faraway towns, to be able continue going on holidays, shorter trips and other daily adventures. Because it is indeed possible. But how do you do that stress-free, when being on medication with temperature sensitive medicines?
It all comes down to the right cool bag. Your protective companion and daily, little helper.
How do we know? We are cold chain specialists. We help patients and professionals to keep temperature sensitive medicines reliably safe at all times. We are providing special medicine cool bags for University hospitals, Clinical Research Organizations, Laboratories, doctors, pharmacies and patients in over 30 countries.

We would like to be at your side with practical advice so that you do not feel lost on your way. Our wish is to spare you unnecessary suffering and too fast progression of your symptoms.
Get your free brochure with tips on how to safely cool your medicine in the fridge HERE.

We want to help you keep an active lifestyle
By staying mobile, even when your body’s condition gets more difficult and more immobile.

We want to help you by being able to see your relatives in faraway towns or going on holiday. But how do you do that stress-free, when being on medication with temperature-sensitive medicines?
We are cold chain specialists. We help patients and professionals to keep temperature-sensitive medicines safe all the time. We are providing special medicine cool bags for University hospitals, Clinical Research Organizations, Laboratories, doctors, pharmacies, and patients in over 30 countries.
Having Remitting Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis or primary and secondary progressive MS with relapses, over the course of time, you most likely will be needing frequent medications. Since you need to ensure timely intake of these medications, it makes you feel confined to your homes.
The added challenge arises from the temperature sensitivity of these medicines, making it difficult to carry them when leaving your home.
How does COOL*SAFE help you live an everyday life?
Whenever stepping to the outside puts your treatment at risk
COOL*SAFE has your back!
If these oral drugs and shots are in your dosing routine, you need a medical cool bag:
- Mavenclad (Cladribine)
- Dimethyl fumarate, Diroximel fumarate, Monomethyl fumarate, Fingolimod, Ozanimod
- Injections of Rebif, Betaseron, Extavia, Avonex, or Plegridy

Pharmacy to home

Work outdoors

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Why only COOL*SAFE?
Certified cool bags
COOL*SAFE cool bags are TÜV-certified and internationally recognized to keep your cold chain-required medicines and test strips consistently cool (2 – 8 °C) for extended periods. These are the only cool bags with an impressive 17.5 hours cooling duration — depending on the ambient temperatures and the cold bag model.
Protection against freezing
COOL*SAFE protects your medication from freezing or heating up. Investing in your own COOL*SAFE allows you to permanently protect your medicines from the harmful effects of a temperature drop below +2 °C.
No side effects
The molecular structure of your medication is destroyed if your medication becomes too cold. As a result, there is a risk that it will lose its efficacy and your disease will progress unnecessarily. A damaged medicine, in its turn, is not meant to be injected into our bodies. Therefore, unforeseen side effects and allergic reactions can occur. Most commercially available medication cooler bags will freeze your medication. COOL*SAFE uses sophisticated and patented technology to ensure that your medication does not get too cold.
With an internationally patent design, COOL*SAFE cool bags are available in various sizes (Protect S, Protect M, Protect L, with heart design, as a backpack). You can transport your medicines anywhere with COOL*SAFE cool bags that meet your needs and aesthetic preferences.

Why are all other cool bags dangerous for your medicine?

Storing your medicine outside the recommended temperature range could make it ineffective within the first five minutes.
The use of uncertified cool bags poses an additional risk, potentially causing your drugs to freeze.
This not only compromises their efficacy but also introduces harmful side effects.
What do Doctors and Pharmacists often ignore?

Often healthcare professionals, including doctors and pharmacists, do not educate patients about the importance of proper medication storage temperature due to their lack of time. Above all, they do not explain the need for safe refrigeration when travelling with these medicines or simply picking them up from the pharmacy.
It’s a fact that often goes overlooked, potentially impacting the effectiveness of the treatment.

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